Right before our set, John Deluca (manager of Ben & Ari's) introduced us, touching upon the subject on how they started these "student nights" seven years ago, where Zach & I were their first band to ever perform there. (We were called Crash at the time.) I never really realized we had began there so long ago, and were the first to start off their years of student nights. For us, as a young and beginning band, it was an amazing opportunity to perform regularly for our friends and meet new people. For Ben & Ari's, not only a great business move, it was also a way to give teenagers a safe place to go with a great environment. Ever since that first show, all of us have grown and learned through so many experiences that may have never happened if timing hadn't been right.
We performed a split set again, kicking off with All Because of You, Runaway, El Scorcho, and Same Things. Then we broke it down to play Get Low and Cold acoustic. We finished off with The End and Untitled. It was a great set and we had a great time doing, but it went so fast. Oh wait... at the end of it all, we performed Dammit (Blink 182) unplugged style on guitar with three part harmonies. Brought me so close to tears...
After everything was over... well that was a chance to meet a bunch of new people who hadn't heard us before. We signed some cds and shirts for these new faces, and just spent time talking to everyone and thanking them for all their support. I really don't think I've ever said thank you more than I did these past several shows, but it's true that I am so thankful for everyone who came to see us. A few friends and family from Ohio; my mom drove up from South Carolina; and several different people from colleges all over Indy. It was just such a great feeling.
In the end, I am sincerely going to miss everyone, because it's not every day that we get a chance to visit our hometown of Carmel. At the same time, I'm finally back to my apartment and in my own bed. I probably slept on the floor way too much, and a couch here and there, but my bed feels so much better. I'm looking forward to the next trip.
Oh yeah, I'm still behind on photos. I didn't actually get anyone to take pictures on my camera for the last show but I'll do what I can when I find some. In the meantime, I finally found some pictures of Common Grounds. Yes... that's me on drums. My cousin posted some photos too at www.ria6677.blogspot.com.
Here's a few photos from Ben & Ari's, courtesy of Hannah Commeville:

From Common Grounds, on my camera:
Hey, Nick! Thanks for the shout-out! Mom said the show was really great in Carmel - I remember seeing Crash there once when I was in Muncie.
Enjoy some time at home in Boston before you have to leave... in a month?... again.
Are you guys in Europe yet?
I saw the write up in the Carmel paper-- how freaking awesome was that??
I think Grandma might just be proud...
qJust wondering who is Hannah Commeville? I am a Commeville and am curious.
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