I've got to be honest though, I was a little nervous in Trenton after I overheard someone from the opening band mention how he got mugged. Lost his wallet and brand new phone, too! And considering I only had pretty much everything to live on in our brand new van... well let's just say it made me a little weary. One wrong turn can lead you into a pretty bad part of town. Last time we (or I) played in Trenton, I had to do an acoustic set before Pull A Star Trip (the German band we toured with last summer and are travelling with in Europe in the spring, no big deal), and we got lost while trying to get home. It's not the most ideal area to be wandering around. Luckily, the only problem with direction we encountered occurred at the confusing border between NJ and PA (the exits are marked very strangely to those of us who aren't from the area), and after enjoying a great set by Call It A Getaway, we ended up safe and sound at our friend Joe's.
This show featured the debut of "The Answer is Always C," which closed the show with a bang. It's still a little sloppy at parts, but I know by the end of the trip it'll be better than ever. There's a demo of it on my myspace, too, so you can preview the song there. Other than that, we're starting to incorporate most of our newer songs along with some of the classics. Overall, it was a great show (aside from the soundguy showing up a half hour late and leaving immediately after the last band finished) and we have much to look forward to over the next two weeks.
Did I mention we just added a show in Muncie, IN? Check out the full list at our website. It was a last minute deal, but we're very excited to add a third show in Indy.
Anyway, here's some photos from the show:

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