We recently spent a few days in Switzerland, playing two shows in Basel and Bern, followed by a day off to see the scenery. The reception of Beautiful Lies in both cities was incredible, much to my surprise. The crowds have varied greatly in age as well, but supportive nonetheless.
Our first show in Switzerland happened in Basel on Friday (March 21), where we performed at a large club called Sommercasino. The crowd here was even bigger than the night in Cologne. I'm not really sure how many people there were actually, but the pictures can show that the club was definitely packed. The venue also had the best sound of all of the venues so far. And much to our luck, they spoiled us with great food and drinks.
We've taken on a pretty standard set at this point, and I was extremely shocked to see the crowd begin to mosh to "The End," as that may be one of our slowest songs. We altered the set on the fly as well to perform "The Answer Is Always C," in order to keep the intensity and speed going for those who wanted to jump around. We ended up meeting a lot of people at the merch table afterwards, even to the point where we were taking so long to clear out that the staff had to ask many lingering audience members to leave the venue. The band even ended up hanging out with a few of new people we met after we cleared out as well.
Saturday morning brought us to the beautiful city of Bern. It was a smaller acoustic show in the front room of the promoter's store, but it allowed for a more intimate and personal setting. Some random people we met the night before even came by to watch the show and spend the evening with us. Unfortunately, it was also Phil's last night traveling with us. He was so compelled to perform with us, which was quite alright because he's so talented... what I mean is instead of his normal appearance on "Save Yourself," he ended up playing seven songs in addition to this, all of which were completely unrehearsed but still wonderful.
After the show, a huge group of us went out on the town. Mike turned 21 at midnight, and even though it's not a big deal in Europe, we still made sure he had a great time celebrating his birthday. We definitely made some great friends and memories that night.
Since we only got to see Bern at night, we all decided to go into the city to see the sights and be tourists. As this is probably one of my favorite scenic places on the trip, I probably took more pictures and videos than anywhere else. Here's just a small taste of Bern:
As I'm writing this now, we're driving through the Alps after an afternoon in Munich, Germany. I really never expected to see so much in two and a half weeks... I have a lot of pictures that just aren't uploading at the time. I have been holding out on posting so I figured I would just post as many pictures as possible on a later date.
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